Saturday, October 1, 2016

Biodynamic Craniosacral Clinic


Biodynamic Craniosacral Clinic

The breath of life is the source of all knowledge, all wisdom, all beauty, and all opportunities.”

The natural world offers us a space to relax, heal and open to the most spontaneous moments, such as a bird landing on the palm of your hand when you least expect it! I am continually amazed by these moments of inexplicable beauty. Sometimes we just need to stop, rest, go for a walk in our own back yard and notice the miracles that are happening all the time around us.

“Healing does not mean simply the elimination of disease, that is what we call a cure.”SSK

Healing has a more exalted meaning than that. In the practice of Biodynamic Craniosacral, and natural medicine healing happens when one releases or corrects conditions that have produced harmful tendencies or patterns, whether these tendencies have led to disease or not.

“Healing can occur before there is a disease.”

Transformative Treatment Plan Now Available

“Walk your Path towards Health and Wholeness”

1 Biodynamic Craniosacral Session for stillness

1 Self-Healing Dalian Method for transformation

1 Biodynamic Craniosacral Session for integration


A Biodynamic Craniosacral® session with Isabella includes a gentle and subtle, “laying on of hands”, guided breathing, far infrared warmth and healing comfort with the BIOMAT and follow-up communication by email.

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